Yokogao Picks

Sharing Japanese culture through a curated selection of film

Coming late 2024

About Yokogao Picks

Yokogao picks is our new video curation program designed to spotlight Japanese culture through a selection of audiovisual works. Our aim is to support independent creators, filmmakers, and directors while staying true to our mission of revealing hidden gaps in Japanese culture. Through a curated selection of films shared or premiered on our channels, Yokogao will introduce both established and emerging talents to an audience with a deep appreciation for Japan and its culture.

Which projects qualify?

We are looking for projects that celebrate Japanese culture in various ways. Whether it’s a traditional portrayal of life in the Japanese countryside, a contemporary short film set in Tokyo, or even a project filmed outside Japan that maintains a strong cultural connection, we welcome a variety of creative approaches. From authentic storytelling to innovative expressions of tradition, all submissions are encouraged, as long as they honor and reflect a deep connection with Japan and its culture.

How it works

Submit your project using the form below, including a private link to the video, preferably password-protected. If your project is still in production or you would like to pitch a video concept, feel free to reach out as well (just leave the video link empty.) Please note that your film should not be publicly available at the time of submission.

We aim to premier the first ever Yokogao Picks in late 2024 / early 2025.

You will be notified max 30 days after submission whether we’ll continue with your project.